Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker

One of the techniques to rank higher on search engines is to provide quality content that contains keywords. Using any keyword won’t help you. You must choose a keyword that has something to do with your needs or your business. There are different ways on how you can find out the best ones to use in content.

Besides picking keywords carefully, you should also continue to assess how those keywords are affecting your page. Well, you do not need to hire anyone to do it for you! Now you can easily do it by yourself with the help of the keyword position checker tool.

What is the Keyword Position?

The Keyword position can be referred to as the ranking of a position through SEO research tools. The ranking is calculated by the comparison of various factors which include the number of pages ranked high for the specific keywords and how many  people have an interest in the use of this keyword.

Then, they go to analyze how much people are ready to pay for the keyword and the rate at which people are searching for that keyword.

What is the Keyword Position Checker?

A keyword position checker is a web application created with a specific purpose of helping its users to give the keyword correct position. This position is checked with the aim of getting a higher rank than its competitors. The keyword Position Checker has been designed to use the following in the determination of the position of the keywords:

  1. It calculates the number of websites and pages that have used the specific keyword. Then, it will choose the ones ranked high for the keywords.
  2. The quantity of money people are ready to pay to make sure their websites are ranked high and how many people are involved in doing so.
  3. The rate of people's search for that specific keyword.

More so, this tool will give you the chance to get the following information:

  1. A SERP analysis
  2. Also analysis and insights of the page of your competitors and Google SERP
  3. The tracking of your keywords and determine their rankings
  4. The specific backlinks your page needs. They will give you a guide on creating these good backlinks.

Why should You Know Your Keyword Position?

There are many reasons laid down for you to know your keyword positions. Some are given here:

keyword position

  1. As the numbers of SEO information is used to ensure a higher ranking of your pages, so when you know your keyword position, it is easy to get a good ranking for you.
  2. If you're aware of your keywords position, you will be motivated to do better than what you have been doing before. Then you will find it easy to search for methods that will help you rank higher.
  3. If your competitors are ranked higher, then you will need to study them to become a better person. The Wise use of Keywords can make your content better.
  4. You also need to be aware of the traffic for each Keyword. When you are aware of your position, you will get the chance to know what to work on.
  5. You need to be aware of the rate of sales if you have a web-based business. If your position is not among the first ones of the search results, you have a lower chance of making great sales. In that case, you have to seek out methods of increasing your position on the search engines available.
  6. Moreover, you also need to be way ahead of your competitors. You have to know what you need to do to rank higher as a person. It will be easy for you to create a better means of staying ahead of your competitors.
  7. Being aware of your followers' geolocation is always important when you are writing the next blog post. So, having knowledge of your keyword position also provides the geolocations of your followers.

How to rank a keyword faster:

You can follow the following steps to rank your keyword faster:

keyword faster

  1. Using the less popular version of a keyword.
  2. Using many keyword modifiers.
  3. Mixing up your on-page optimization.
  4. Going deeper than the competition is going.
  5. Moving away from the commercial keywords.
  6. Buying traffic.

How can I find the best keywords for my website?

Want to know how do you make a great keyword that will push your page to the top? You will be shown the ways below:

best keywords

  1. List of words: First, you have to write out words that help what you're about to use. It will give you a wider idea of what you are going to write about.
  2. Use of Keyword Position Checkers: Then you need to write out those keywords you have listed and watch it bring out their rankings on the internet.
  3. Filter Your Search: When you have done all this, you can easily remove some of the words and filter them to the ones you will be comfortable writing about.

How Works Keyword Position Checker Tool?

Our keyword postiotion checker tool can check your keyword position in various search engine. To use this keyword position checker, you need to follow the simple three (3) steps. I'm showing bellow the process.

1. Enter The Website: First, go to:

2. Input Your Information: Then write your website or webpage you will like to analyze. Next, you will be required to write out the keywords you would like to monitor your website. After that, you will be asked to check it against the search engine you want to check out. I'm showing example image, Domain name and keyword list (one keyword per line).

3. Result: Click to "Find Keyword Position". After you have done all, your result will be shown. You will be provided with  the right information you need.

Benefits of Using Keyword Position Checker

There are various benefits of using keyword position checker and they are like:

  1. The accuracy of Personal Search will be easy.
  2. Higher Chance To Get Volume of Keywords.
  3. Getting some ideas you can use to get a higher position.
  4. Having knowledge of the right Keywords.

What are Google Ranks?

Google ranks and keyword ranking are related to each other. If you’re running a website, then it’s very essential to analyze different keywords that a searcher can enter. After analyzing, you have to adjust the keywords according to their number of searches in your site’s content.

As a result, it can give you an edge to achieve a top rank in SERP. It is essential to perform SEO techniques on your website as they are the only key to success in achieving high search engine ranking. Among these techniques, Keywords play an important role. So, it’s very essential to find out how high is their Google keyword ranking.

The keyword rank checker is mandatory to find out keyword performance and to adjust them to your webpage accordingly for better Google ranks. You may be thinking of ways to explore the ranking of keywords.

This is a really hectic and time-consuming job. But search engine reports is here to make it easier. You can use the keyword rank checker tool online to get the hands-on search engine ranking of any keyword.