Robots.txt Generator

Default - All Robots are:  
Sitemap: (leave blank if you don't have) 
Search Robots: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Restricted Directories: The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/"

Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.

About Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt generator is an online tool for creating robots.txt files for your website. You can either open and edit an existing file or create a new one using the output of this generator. Robots.txt file is a very important aspect of SEO. You have the option to easily pick which types of crawlers (Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Alexa, etc.) to allow or disallow depending on your preferences.

If you are going to use a robot.txt file in your website, there are so many online robot.txt file generators. You can easily set up any directive you want and generate a text file to improve your SEO. It works as a basic helper for upgrading SEO level of your website.

What is Robots.txt file?

Now it’s the time to define robots.txt. The robots.txt file is a text file that instructs which parts of web content can be crawled by a robot. It can be placed in the root folder of your website to help search engines indexing your site more appropriately. For example, Google uses website crawlers, or robots that survey all the content on your website.


The robots.txt file also is called the robot exclusion protocol or standard. It either allows or prevents Google and other search engines from - accessing the entirety of a website or accessing only certain pages of a website.You have got a key idea about it, I guess.

Is robot.txt file necessary?

Yes, of course, it’s really very important considering issues for webpages. Robot.txt file is a simple small text file but it could cause disaster to your online pages. Whenever you get the wrong file up, a red signal will go for the search engine robots that they are not allowed to crawl on your site. It means that your web pages will not appear on SERPs. Therefore, you also need to learn how you can check whether you are using this robots.txt file correctly or not.

If you don’t want the search engine robots to crawl specific pages of your site, your robots.txt file will be responsible to carry out the instruction for them. If you don’t want any of your images to be listed on the search engine, you can block search bots by simply using a disallow directive in your robots.txt file. I have given you the solution of your query.

What is robots txt in SEO?

The robot.txt file is very important in SEO. So nned to fenerate this file using Robots.txt generator. Too many third-party crawlers may try to access your website’s content. It can cause slower loading times and sometimes even server errors. Loading speed affects the experience of website visitors. So many visitors will leave your site if it doesn’t load quickly.

Moreover, using a robots.txt file allows you different options:

  1. You want to point search engines to your most important pages
  2. You want the search engines to ignore duplicate pages, like pages formatted for printing
  3. You don’t want particular content on your website to be searchable (documents, images, etc.)

So this is the main function of robots txt in SEO. 

How do I use robot.txt on my website?

Using or creating robot.txt file is now easier because of online robot.txt generators. Creating a new or editing an existing robots.txt file for your site is so easy with a robots.txt generator. First, you have to type or paste the root domain URL in the top text box and click Upload to upload an existing robots.txt file by the generator tool. Then you have to use the robots.txt generator tool to create directives with either Allow or Disallow directives for User Agents for certain content on your site. You can click Add directive to easily add the new directive to the list. For editing an existing directive, simply click Remove directive, and then create a new one as per your need.
You need to understand the “syntax” to create your Robots.txt file. Here is a little discussion on the main steps of using robot.txt in your website:

1. Define the User-agent:
Mention the name of the robot you are referring to (i.e. Google, Yahoo, etc). Again, you will want to refer to the full list of user-agents for help.

2. Allow
Mainly, the robots.txt file here allows everything to be crawled. The asterisk next to “User-agent” means that the instruction below applies to all types of robots.
If you want all robots to access everything on your website, then your robots.txt file should look like this:User-agent: *

3. Disallow:
If you don’t want robots to access anything, simply add the forward-slash symbol like this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

4. Set up Delay timer:
Lastly, you have to set up a delay timer for big websites, to prevent servers from being overloaded with crawlers coming to check for new content. In a case like this, you could add the following directive:
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 120

Thus all robots (except for Google bots, which ignore this request) will delay their crawling by 120 seconds. And they will prevent many robots from hitting your server too quickly.

There are other kinds of directives you can add, but these are the most important to know. Now, you have got the perfect way of using robot txt for the website.

Our Robot.txt Generator Process

Here I'm showing all steps to generate a robots.txt file using our robots.txt generator. There are three(3) steps is this system. Let's see.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Press "Create Robots.txt" button or Create and Save as Robots.txt

Step 3: Download or Save robots.txt file.

How do robot.txt works?

When search engines try to index your site, they first search for a robots.txt file in the root directory. This file contains instructions on which pages they can crawl and index them on SERPs, and which they can’t index.

You can use robots.txt file to:

  1. Let the search engine bots ignore any duplicate web pages on your site
  2. No Index internal search result pages of your website
  3. Limit the bots to index certain parts of your site or the whole website
  4. Disallow search engine bots to index some files present on your site, such as- images and PDFs

What is the limitation of a robot txt file?

Of course, there is a limitation in the file size of 500 KB. There is a maximum file size implemented per crawler. Content larger than the maximum file size is usually ignored. Now Google upholds a size limit of 500kb.

500 kb

Reasons you may not need a Robots.txt File:
You might not need a robots.txt file. There are some reasons behind it, such as-

  1. You are having a simple web page structure
  2. You may not have enough content to block from search engines on your website.

So, if your webpage isn’t having a robots.txt file, search engine robots can get easy, short and full access to your website. This is very common in practice.

Always keep in mind that robots.txt is a portion where you are giving instructions to the search engines not to visit which directories. Besides this, you can give instructions to them not to go through the external links of your webpages.

In conclusion, you can use Robot.txt generator to gain a competitive advantage today in SEO. You should remember that your top competitors are researching their Business strategy for years and years. So if you apply this, you will make shine in this sector for sure. Today you have got a lot of information about their rank, select their best keywords, and grab new opportunities. Let try with the perception of this article!