URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

The URL encoder and decoder is a simple online tool that encodes and decodes a URL quickly and easily. This tool simply encodes the data, or decode it into human-readable format. URL encoding is also known as percent-encoding. It is a process for encoding data in a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) under some circumstances. 

The URL Encoder Decoder is one of the most popular tools and that is used for your SEO advantage. In this article, we will discuss how important this tool is for search engine optimization and how it can be a good choice for you. It can perform instantly and without any hassle on your end.

URL Encoder

What is encoding and decoding? 

In computers, encoding is the process of converting a sequence of characters like- letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols, etc. into a specific format for transmission or storage. Decoding is just the opposite process of encoding -- the conversion of an encoded data format back into the original format of characters. Encoding and decoding are mostly used in data communications, networking, and storage. These processes are especially applicable to radio or wireless communications systems.

The code which is used for text files by computers is known as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange, pronounced as ASK-ee). ASCII can represent uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters, numerals, punctuation marks, and most of the common symbols. Other commonly-used codes are known as Unicode, BinHex, Uuencode, and MIME. In data communications, Manchester encoding is referred to as a special process of encoding in which the binary digits or bits represent the conversion between high and low logic states.

In radio communications, numerous encoding and decoding methods are also commonly used, some of them are used only by expert groups of people like- amateur radio operators. The oldest code among them is the Morse code which was originally used in the landline telegraph during the 19th century.

URL Encoder / Decoder

The terms encoding and decoding are often referred to as the processes of analog-to-digital conversion or digital-to-analog conversion. In this case, these methods can be applied to any form of data, including text, audio, video, images, multimedia, computer programs, telemetry, or signals in sensors, and control systems.

Encoding is not the same thing as encryption as encryption is a process in which data is purposely transformed to cover up its content. Encryption can be completed without changing the particular code that the content is in, and encoding can be done without purposely transforming the content.

What is URL Encoding or Decoding?

URL encoding is the process of encoding specific characters in a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). URL encoding is a two-step process: first, the character string is encoded into a sequence of bytes and then the byte which isn’t an ASCII letter or a digit is also converted into a hexadecimal value of the byte.

The valid URL format contains only what can be termed as "alpha | digit | safe | extra | escape" characters. URL encoding is also needed to convert the special characters to a standard form which otherwise may provide some different or wrong meaning. Some examples of special characters are '/', '.', '=', '+', '#' etc. which if not encoded correctly may change the URL behavior. And by the URL decoding process, this encoded data is converted into a human-readable format.

What are reserved characters?

In URL encoding, the reserved characters contain special meanings. URL encoding enables the reserved characters to maintain their specific character sequences. That means, if a reserved character contains a specific purpose in a certain context, the URL scheme imposes that it is URL encoded.

A URL encoding converts the reserved character into its corresponding byte value in ASCII. This new converted value (two digits anticipated by a %) is used in the URL instead of the reserved character.

Purpose of the reserved characters

A list of the reserved characters with their purpose and encoding are given below:


Purpose in URL

Character encode


separate domains & directories



Separates anchors



Indicates a space



Indicates an encoded character



Separate user & pass details from domain



Separate protocol from address



Space, not recommended in URLs

+ or %20


Separate query string


How Works it?

To encode or decode any website url, use our tool 100% free. This tool will help you to encode or decode domain url. Let's see how?

Step-1: Go to https://www.azseotools.com/url-encoder-decoder/

URL Encoder

Step-2: Write your text in text area.

Step-3: Press "Submit" button.

decode any website url

That's, all to encode or decode our website url.

When should I URL encode?

Directly, you should always encode URL, especially when your link or text contains non-alphabetic characters, numbers or special characters when not used in their normal context.

Should I encode the URL for unreserved characters?

The unreserved characters (upper-case and lower-case letters, digits, and '-', '_', '.', '~' symbols) can be encoded sometimes, but should not always be encoded.

Free Online URL Encoder

You can find numerous free URL encoder tools online. The URL which contains a Non-AlphaNumeric Letter or Characters is encoded into "%" (Percentage) followed by some alphanumeric values. When a white space found in the text that will be encoded by "+" symbols by this free online tool. Let’s look at an example:
Input String: https://www.myshop2019.com/test/product/
Output String: https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myshop2019.com%2Ftest%2Fproduct%2F.

Free online URL Decoder

You can also find numerous free URL decoder online. The URL which contains a Non-AlphaNumeric Letter or Characters that will be decoded from "%" (Percentage) followed by some alphanumeric values. If any white space found in the text, that will be decoded from "+" symbols by this free online tool. Let’s have a look at another example:
Input String: https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mywebsite.com%2Ftest%2Fproduct%2F
Output String: https://www.mywebsite.com/test/product/
Why you should use the free online URL encoder/decoder

There are so many advantages of using the free online encoder/decoder. Such as-

  1. It is simple and easy to use
  2. You can simply begin your task by entering your data in the specific area of the tool. In just a second, the results will be shown to you. You can also select a file from your device when you need it. Once the processing and conversion complete, you will be notified to download the converted decoded/encoded file. That's all you have to do!
  3. It is free
  4. This online tool is free to use. From now you don't need to download any software for performing such tasks.

It is completely safe and secure

All communications with the servers of these tools are made through secure SSL encrypted connections (https). Uploaded data are deleted from their servers immediately after the decode or encode process, and also the resulting downloadable file is deleted right after the first download attempt. 

The free URL encoder/decoder works so fast and easily that you don’t need to memorize any computer language or code to perform such tasks. The URL Encoder/ Decoder will do all the technical steps for you. Moreover, you don’t need any website expert to do the URL encoding and decoding for you! The online URL Encoder Decoder benefits people and businessmen who want to convert their URLs into a 100% readable form.